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When God Slides the Butter

So I know it’s a silly title, but stay with me! I know I think of the absolute strangest things, but that’s ok. Hang in there with me. I placate myself by believing that God made my brain this way for a reason. ;)

The other night I was making dinner and I needed butter for mashed potatoes. I like to use the stick butter and I didn’t have a package open. I went to the fridge and I pulled the little square package out to rip it open and when I got it open I tipped it so a stick of butter would slide into my hand. But not only did I get one stick of butter, its friend slid out with it, and I got two.

And I was annoyed.

You see, I was in a hurry to get dinner done. My husband and I were going somewhere and I needed to get the kids fed so we could leave. I was behind on schedule and I was already flustered. And now. NOW, I only needed one stick and I had two. Ridiculous to have to put one back in the package to put it in the fridge. I mean, I was BUSY, people. So I get it all put back where it belongs and I go to finish dinner.

Lo and behold, ten minutes later I realized I had forgotten that I was also making macaroni and I needed a second stick of butter for that! This was clearly not a gourmet meal sort of night. Your girl here was using packaged mashed potatoes and boxed macaroni and cheese. This mom of nine was not creating something special on this particular night. I was barely getting something edible made. Step aside, chefs!

So I headed back to the fridge to get the second stick of butter that had been in my hand earlier and I thought to myself, “God was trying to give me the butter I needed and I didn’t even pay attention.” It was just a silly, ridiculous thought in the moment and I laughed to myself about it.

But guys—How often does God slide the butter in front of us? And how often do we slide it back out of the way?

I needed that butter and if I had been paying 5 seconds of attention instead of worrying about getting dinner done quickly, I might have realized it.

Let's relate butter to opportunity here. Butter Stick = God's Opportunity sliding into our hands. So what is it that God keeps sliding in front of you and you keep sliding it back out of the way? Is it a ministry opportunity? A job opportunity? A business opportunity? It is an idea that you haven’t acted on? Something you’re supposed to do with your kids? A life move that you’re supposed to make? It could be 1000 different things, but chances are whatever it is already popped into your head and I don’t even have to mention that specific thing.

Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.” If God is sliding something in front of us that we are supposed to grab hold of and use, acknowledge him and do as he asks! Believers are never walking alone, never groping in the darkness for a path. GRAB THAT BUTTER, SQUEEZE IT UNTIL IT IS MUSH IN YOUR FIST, AND RUN WITH IT.

The image that keeps coming into my head is someone sitting at a table, reading, and God is sitting next to them. But they are completely immersed in their book. And He is sliding the stick of butter, that represents something in life He wants this person to do or have, in front of them and they keep absent-mindedly sliding it back to Him. Or maybe they are willfully ignoring it because they are fearful. Either way, they never stop focusing on their book. But God is faithful, and He has plans for this person, so He keeps sliding it, waiting for the person to take their eyes off their book and realize what God has for them.

What has God been sliding in front of you that you keep sliding back to Him? Something that you’re supposed to pick up and go crazy with? I don’t know why you’re avoiding it, but next time He slides it your way, pick it up and run with it. Maybe it's scary, maybe it's hard, but God paves the way for you, He establishes our steps as Proverbs 16:9 says. So snatch up that butter next time it slides into your hand!

Guys, that’s it for now! I want to remind everyone that I’m available to speak at your small and large gatherings and events and I love to come encourage and help others learn about God and receive messages from Him. You can contact me through my personal FB or Instagram, my ministry FB or Instagram which is called Beautifully Unbroken. Or you can contact me right through my website.


Wishing you all God's love and smiles,


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